Jul 16, 2019

Lander, WY is unlike any place in the world!

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

Lander WY is unlike any place in the world. With world class fishing, rock climbing, hiking, mountain biking, and so much more just a few minutes from town, there is no excuse to be bored here.

The breathtaking views, beautiful mountain scenery, and gorgeous open roads make it easy to satisfy the explorer in all of us. The sense of community is strong as well as the friendly atmosphere. In Lander we truly take pride in our community, town, and wild lands.

Today we look back at what our beautiful town used to look like and appreciate all the ways it has changed and grown in the past years to develop into the bustling, opportunity rich, tight knit community that it is. When I look around Lander, WY, it really is easy to say that there is no place like home

Written by: Alyx Raven Zgurich